Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sermon Sunday

How was church for you today? We had a really good sermon with a lot of good take homes, but there was something the pastor said that really spoke to me, “God is in the details of our life.” Sometimes we forget that He is in control. He provides for our every need. Isn’t it comforting to know that He is always there for us….in every detail. Praise Him.

Please share your Sunday Sermon with us. God Bless.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Our sermon was very unusual today, in that it was a member of our congregation who has done a lot of mission work who spoke to us mainly about some of her experiences and the lessons she'd learned from them.She used Luke 5:1-11 to exemplify them.She explained how so often the team she was with would wonder how and what they were supposed to accomplish. She said that when they prayed about it, they were shown what they should be doing, and that when they simply were obedient what they needed became available to them to accomplish the task. She pointed to the fishermen who didn't ask questions, but simply dropped their nets as Jesus had instructed, and their catch was overwhelming!
She also pointed out that partnership and a synergy and co-operation must be present among a group of individuals trying to accomplish any task. Other points she made were that God will make us free, and that we're called to be His disciples sometimes simply by showing people some compassion and loving and caring about them. Often times this may mean not only sharing the gospel, but our lives with them! Sadly she also reported that one of the greatest mission fields she's seen is right here in Canada!
Finally she encouraged us not to be afraid of what and how to minister, but to pray, have faith and trust that you will have something to offer, even if it's just your time and your company!