Thursday, August 21, 2008

Testimony Thursday

What is the most amazing thing that God has done in your life? Give Him the Glory by posting your Testimony.


Dawn said...

I marvel continuously at how faithful the Lord is,and at His amazing creativity!Through an instructor at our local Y I was told about a short time ago, daily I am experiencing improvement in my movement capabilities!I didn't have the time to express this yesterday, but now that I have, I hope that someone may be encouraged to know that although it may not happen immediately, or in an expected way, God faithfully answers prayer!

Anonymous said...

yes Dawn, you're right....God's time is the best and only time. He IS faithful. If God had answered all of my upside down hopes and dreams, my life would be a mess. He made me WAIT! Now, I can see how God was in charge all along, how He had a plan, He knew what He wanted for me and now I get to live in the full knowledge of who He is, to know Jesus, and to glorify Him. :)He's led me a long way from where I was... and it brings me to tears to think just how awesome our God is!!! Thank you Natasha and Andrew for this site.

Natasha said...

Dawn & Anonymous, thank you for sharing your testimonies with the Biblegrouponline community. I am personally encouraged by your reminders of God's goodness and mercy in our lives. May He continue to bless you both!