Monday, September 28, 2009

Movie Monday - Rifqa Bary Gives Her Testimony

How can you explain the fire in this girl. Only Jesus.


Special said...

This is such an awesome, awe inspiring testimony. I cannot believe it...actually I can. Sometimes I get so caught up in this world and in my own selfish desires, that I forget why I was called and who called me. His Name is Yeshua, Jesus!!! He is My Rescuer, My Purpose, My Heart and Strength. His blood has cleansed me, washed me and redeemed me!! Let us all remember to pray for Rifka, that the Lord would protect her and keep her in His loving embrace. In Jesus name!

Anonymous said...

I was so touched by this video.
So many of us take church, the word, prayer and worship for granted. We have been given a very special gift yet we act as though it is nothing. Here we have a 16 year old girl that has given her life for the gospel and here I am going through my life giving nothing to Him. My prayer after seeing this video is that the fire that she has in her will consume all of us. That we will give our all to Christ not the "left overs" after work, family time, time with our friends and of course our entertainment. That He would receive the first fruits of our lives. God has a great plan for all of us. If only we would give Him our lives to truly mold us into who He wants us to be.