Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Talk Tuesday - God's Great Love

This excerpt is from the book, "For these Tough Times," by Max Lucado:

Suppose a man comes upon a child being beaten by thugs. He dashes into the mob, rescues the boy, and carries him to a hospital. The youngster is nursed to health. The man pays for the child's treatment. He learns that the child is an orphan and adopts him as his own and gives the boy his name. And then, one night months later, the father hears the son sobbing into his pillow. He goes to him an asks about the tears.

"I'm worried, Daddy. I'm worried about tomorrow. Where will I get food to eat? How am I going to buy clothes to stay warm? And where will I sleep?"

The father is rightfully troubled. "Haven't I shown you? Don't you understand? I risked my life to save you. I gave my money to treat you. You wear my name. I've called you my son. Would I do all that and then not meet your needs?"

Jesus has payed the ultimate price for our lives. We are sanctified and saved. We are his children. If He can do all that, isn't he going to provide for our every needs?

Today if your are in need of anything ask Jesus. God provides. He did for us and He will do it for you.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Greetings B.G.O.:
Being an unusually emotional type, the story posted today brought tears to my eyes! We are doing a Bible study on prayer at our church, and in the video we watched last night, the host often glanced through a telescope, and spoke about how vast our universe is. He then went on to describe how our Father knows everything that happens in it, in fact He's the One who orchestrates it, and all we have to do is ask Him for what think we are missing, and if it is something that corresponds to His will for us, we will get it, but in His perfect time! Today's story seemed to express the same kind of theme, so once again, I was deeply moved! Yesterday I saw a woman named Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor interviewed on Oprah, and her story about being a stroke survivor impacted me so much that I had to watch it again online! She talks about what an exquisitely designed group of cells we are among other things, and once again I was moved to tears! I would definitely recommend it to others, as she is a truly inspiring and artistic brain injury survivor who who very clearly describes the recovery process that she went through in a way that anyone who has either been through it themselves, or knows someone who has can relate to. My Mom also pointed out how important this kind of knowledge is for family members and care-givers, friends etc., because it is not the sort of knowledge that is common. Furthermore the number of people who are surviving various types of brain injuries is increasing astronomically with the advances in medical technology and the dedication of so many in the field! One of the questions in our session last night was "Does prayer make a difference and is it worthwhile?" I could only comment that in my experience as a brain injury survivor it definitely does! I just pray that I don't become an emotional wreck in my recovery experience!
We are truly blessed aren't we? It seems impossible for us limited humans to be grateful enough for them all, so I'll just finish by saying a simple thank you all!
