Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Talk Tuesday - Trust Him and Hold on

How has your year begun? Does the road seem tough. Have you gotten bad news in the last few weeks. God is in control. You may wonder how are you going to make it through this. You will because God is in control. I don't have any magic words that will make everything better but I have a Word from the Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-8

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.

Trust and Obey there is no other way. Trust Him. He is faithful.

If you need prayer email us at or post it on the prayer wall. We are here for you.


Anonymous said...

Wow. How profound and how timely! This must be God! I was declaring that very scripture out loud today as I drove in to work!!! But after reading today's entry on BGO, what I never saw before was the importance of the words that follow the familiar verses "and he will direct your paths". Wow. Thank you! Verses 7-8 really tie in to those previous verses in 5-6!! Wow. Let me declare to you, whatever you are facing : God is in control!

I read the following words today in my Q.T. "but God lets it happen"! God assured me after reading that, because we are in Christ, we are special to him. Yes, he may allow some 'things' to happen, but He knows about "it" and he's let "it" happen for a reason. YOU are special to him. It also says in Ephesians in that great Armor of God section, 'when' the evil day comes. For the believer it didn't say 'if'. It says 'when'.. BUT.....God WILL GIVE YOU THE VICTORY. Wearing your armor of God (which is issued by God) YOU WILL OVERCOME AND YOU ARE BLESSED! God's word declares it!! Sincerely...well, call me Aib! (Anonymous in Brampton!)

Natasha said...

Thank you Andrew for this word. I needed to hear it, to be reminded of God's faithfulness.

It is so tempting to be wise in my own eyes and to lean on my own understanding. Yet it is a futile and fruitless endeavour. I choose to trust in You, JESUS.

May GOD strengthen His people as we journey onwards in Christ.

Beloved said...

Yes it certainly feels like we are in the days where only GENUINE faith will take us through ... we are being called to GROW UP in the things of Christ ... to hold on tight lest we end up letting go altogether. But how great it is to know that we do not keep ourselves ... HE has to keep us because without Him we could do NOTHING! I am comforted that He is rooting for me to finish my race WELL and is doing all He can by His Spirit to help me in every way I need it. Praise Jesus!!!!!!