Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Talk Tuesday - Are you naughty or nice?

What if God was like Santa Claus? If you were good, He would bless you. If you were not, He would not.

I am not sure if that is the picture of God you have. You might be going through something now and want to know," what did I do to God?" Maybe you are in a financial crunch and you are asking God, "Why me?" God does not treat us like Santa. He loves us unconditionally. No matter what we have done in our lives, He still loves us.

So this Christmas if you are afraid to meet with God, don't be afraid. Ask God for His forgiveness and tell Him you want a relationship with Him. It is as simple as that. Then find a Bible believing Church to go to. Hey, get involved in a bible study even.

It's Christmas.... so think about Christ.


Anonymous said...

I still struggle w/ those feelings - that when bad things happen, I must have done something wrong and that God was punishing me. I realize that feeling could be quite healthy 'conviction' feeling, or even more likely, it's the enemy snagging on me. I heard just this morning that we need to thank God in all things – that we must believe that God turns things – all things – even our biggest hurts and deepest of challenges into good: From Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

We talked about this on Monday night too (my women’s group), that we need to put on the armour of God on every day as this is spiritual warfare. Anyway, I know I departed a bit from the topic.

Bless you Andrew & Natasha and bless the BGO community. I look forward every day to reading your entries!

Andrew said...

Feel free to talk about anything on BGO. We started BGO so that people could share and grow together as a community.

We thank you for all the encouraging words.

God Bless
Andrew and Tash