I have a Question for everyone. Do you think that God has ONE person in mind for you to get married to or do you just meet a person, fall in love and get married? I have had debates with people saying that it is impossible that God created one person just for you. What do you think?
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You know, that's a really interesting question: 'can there be more than one'...
I can't speak for the men, but women have been talking about this for ages...who is the one, how do you get the one, how do you hold on to the one....
Is there only one? Or do you argue that as there is a time and a season for everything, that includes relationships?
For me, I know that God's hand is on my relationship,that he purposed for us to meet, to fall in love and to marry. So looking back at all the false starts, and at how 'easy' this relationship was in comparison to all the others, I know that he is my 'one'. This was the only relationship I had that was bathed in prayer.
But you do hear of others who find true love more than once...like widows/widowers.
I think if you're divorced - than that definitely wasn't 'the one' that God had intended for you...
This may spark a lot of controversy, so I'm signing off as anonymous.
Hey Anonymous, I think I'll sign off as Anonymous II. Yes, this is a topic that sparks a lot of controversy. I believe that God has created someone specifically for you. We need to bathe our relationships in prayer, much like you have for yours. All of the 'false starts' or letting our hearts/emotions lead us instead of the Lord causes so much excess baggage along the way.
I believe the Lord wants our hearts first and foremost. If we lay down our desire for a spouse before Him, He will direct our paths.
Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
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