Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sermon Sunday

Hi Everyone! This post is from one of our faithful BGO community members, Brenda. Enjoy!

On three extraordinary nights at APC, Pastor Stuart Mulligan (former senior pastor) taught on a Glimpse of Heaven His teachings were divided as follows:

Week 1- REAP: be Ready, be Encouraged, be Active and be Pure while awaiting the return Jesus Christ.

Week 2- Payday Someday – We will all stand before the Living God to give an account of our stewardship – the Great White Throne Judgment.

Week 3- Heaven - Welcome Home!!

I thought I would share my notes from week 3 with you!

In thinking about Heaven, we have sketches, but not all the details. John provides some basic facts about Heaven. “Let not your heart be troubled…” The one thing we do know is there will be a multitude of surprises, John 14: 1-6 & Revelations 21: 1-7.

Four things Jesus teaches about Heaven:

1. Heaven is a real place – “I go to prepare a place for you…”

2. Heaven is a commodious place “there are many mansions.” Rev. 7: 9, “I saw a great multitude…”

3. Heaven is a glorious place – a place where there will be no night/darkness, lit only by the glory of our God. “Where I am there you may be also.” In describing the glory of God, he emphasized the face that, the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ is of utmost in Heaven.

4. Heaven is an accessible place – “you know where I am going.” “I am the WAY.” The vilest offender who truly believes has equal access to Heaven.“

John received a vision and records, paints a picture of Heaven for us.

Revelations 21:7.

So what will we be doing in Heaven?

1. Heaven will be a life of Fellowship:

Rev. 22:4, We will see the Lord and talk to Him face to face. Then there is the eternal fellowship with all God’s people. We will have the opportunity to speak to our heroes (Moses, David, Ruth, Luke, Paul.)

2. A Life of Rest:

Rev. 14:13, We will rest from our labour, from the drudgery of back-breaking work in this life.

3. A Life of Full Knowledge:

1Cor 13:12, “now we know in part, then we shall know…” The great prospect of Heaven will be to have questions answered and explanations for those difficult times. Things that have happened in our family, to friends – in Heaven we will understand!

4. A Life of Holiness:

Rev. 21:27, John outlines the things we will never find in Heaven. No impurity!

5. A Life of Joy:

Rev. 21:4, our tears shall be wiped away – there will be no funerals in Heaven, no cancer, no pain, no suffering and NO more crying. We will be made whole by our Father in Heaven.

6. A Life of Service:

No more curse – His servants shall serve Him! There will be specific responsibilities for each of us – and we will be fully rewarded…AMEN!

7. A life for abundance:

Rev. 21:7. “He that overcomes shall inherit all things.” All things that are good will be given to those who love Jesus!

8. A life Worship:

Rev. 19:1. We shall sing a new song according to John, the Revelator. Heaven is a place of magnificent worship. Every tongue, creed and tribe will bow down and worship the King of Kings and Lord of ALL Lords, King Jesus!

In conclusion, Pastor Mulligan reminded us that many of us have unsaved Loved Ones and the truth is, you are either with God or against Him. We MUST continue to seek the Lord for those who are lost in our families, communities and throughout the Nations.

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