Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sermon Sunday

Good morning everyone. Today is a good day. It's time to share your Sunday sermon with us. We pray that you have a great Lord's Day. We enjoy hearing the different messages from everyone's home church. It's a time to bless one another with the Word of God.

Click on the comments link below to post your Sunday Sermon.

The topic of this Sunday's sermon: When Two Kingdoms Collide.

The Pastor took us through a historical account of the Kingdom of God during the darkness of the reign of the Herod the Tetrarch. Herod was a tyrant whose paranoia and desire to retain the power of his earthly kingdom made him an exceedingly ruthless leader. He imprisoned John the Baptist because he pointed out his sin of adultery (Luke 3:19). Herod eventually killed John the Baptist (Mark 6:17-29).

This did not deter Jesus who fearlessly continued preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God in spite of Herod's political power. Jesus was bold, unafraid and dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. His purpose was clear and he could not be deterred. Our purpose is clear and we should not be deterred.

In Luke 13:31, the Pharisees came and warned Jesus to flee as Herod wanted to kill him. Jesus replies (Luke 13:32) " Go tell that fox, I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal."

A fox is known for being sly and cunning- a deceiver. What is the 'fox' in your life that is preventing you from being bold and fearless for the kingdom of God? We are all commissioned to bring forth the message of the Kingdom of God-the Gospel of Salvation- in spite of the current world view or political climate. Is it a 'fox' of doubt, fear or anxiety? Know that we have one who is even more powerful than any 'fox' in our lives who is able to protect, deliver and overcome.

Luke 13:34 Jesus says, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those who sent you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing." Why does Jesus choose a hen of all animals to liken Himself too, and those He loves as chicks? When a fox comes into a chicken coop the hen, who is defenseless, will give her life in order to protect the chicks. The sacrifice of the hen's life, will be enough to satiate the hunger of the fox and the chicks will be spared.

That is what Jesus did for us. He paid it all, He satisfied the requirement of the law and became a sin offering on our behalf so that we do not have to pay the price. Let us identify the 'foxes' in our lives and lay them down before the King of Glory, Jesus Christ. He has paid the price. We need to be bold, blazing a trail for the Kingdom of God.


Anonymous said...

This sermon really hit home for me!!! I realized that as believers, we give Satan too much foothold, by allowing the "sly foxes" to creep into our lives and steal the authority and God-given purpose the Lord has placed upon us as His children!!! We really have to recognize the "fox" for what it is, and go beyond it to live in the complete freedom, anointing and blessing that the Lord has ordained for our lives!!!


Anonymous said...

That was truly one awesome sermon! How many times have we read through those parables and just assumed that they were just hypothetical situations? But no, some good research and another layer has been peeled off the onion that is the Bible, and we get a whole new depth to who Jesus was, and the courage he had....just amazing!