Hi Everyone,
Revelations 12:11 states:
"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony "
Please submit your testimony of what God has done for you lately. This not only gives glory to God but encourages others who are going through a difficult time.
I recently went to a conference hoping to make some contacts in my field. I had previously made a list of the people I wanted to meet and asked God to help make those contacts. There were over 700 people at this event. Well, God is AWESOME! He not only ensured that I met everyone I needed to meet but orchestrated it so that one high ranking official took me under his wing and personally introduced me to several people that I would not have been able to meet otherwise. I was completely amazed and so thankful to the wonderful God we serve. So be encouraged if you are praying - God hears your cry and will answer in His time.
We recently (July 13th) had a guest pastor by the name of Reverand Richard Gogolin, who had been very uncertain as to what his message for us would be up until shortly before the service. He said that he had prayed about this, and had felt prompted to do a healing service. He asked that anyone who needed or wanted some kind of healing to come forward. Several of us went forward. He asked each of us what we needed healing of, and we all explained our disability to him. One man who needs a walker to get around, and a portable oxygen hose to breathe told of how if he went for more than a few minutes without the oxygen while walking,he got extremely winded and if he went too long, he would die. The Pastor prayed over him for healing and he walked across the front of the sanctuary without his oxygen tube connected! I shared about how I was a brain injury survivor, and am left with symptoms similar to a stoke survivor with extremely weak side and a certain amount of paralysis on that side. My memory has also suffered. He prayed over me as well, and I felt a strange kind of tingling in my weak left foot and sort of "good" cramping that means the muscle is "alive and well"! The next day, I had an appointment at the local Y.M.C.A. of which I am a member to renew my membership.At that meeting I found out about a new class being offered there for neuromuscular rehabilitation and the success the instructors had been having with the many stroke survivors who participants in the class. Already after only two classes I was able to report improved movement and was able to do some moves that I hadn't been able to feel since my accident! I danced professionally before my accident, so this was an indescribable joy! My Mom has been phoning everyone up to tell them my good news, and so I jokingly asked the instructors of the class today if my they'd heard from my Mom. Of course I also had to explain why. They also were amazed that I'd experienced such incredible and so quickly! The only thing other than their classes that have been unusual in the last while was that healing service a few weeks ago, and I'd almost forgotten about it until I ever so gently reminded about "Testimony Thursday" on this site! As Baje remarked in her comment,"God hears your cry and will answer in His time" My friend and sister from A.P.C., Lisa Bennett used to say that there is no such thing as a coincident, so I am truly blessed that my heavenly Father has orchestrated all these events as He has, including the blog on this web site!
Thanks and blessings to you all!
P.S. I apologize for "running off at the mouth" so much, but I am truly excited by what God is capable of!
I had a dream last night...over all I want to share that as long as we "His Children" are within the four corners of His will, He will protect us from the devourer! Amen
There were many vague people around an area during the day only a few sat within and on a particular sheet of blanket. The blanket was laid out and what was distinct was the boundaries it created (picture a sheet laid out in front of you on the ground-you see the corners and the boundary)...at the night, those who had stayed in the blanket were not even touched by the devourer...but those who had been outside of the boundary were gone.
I know that there is more to the dream I had...but I believe I am to share the main point!
God is our refuge and our strength! Hallejuia! Praise God for He is GOOD!!! His mercy and grace is so amazing!
Be blessed today my friends!
I just figured out that I needed to set up an account and how to do it, so although my previous comments are published and saved, they were posted by anonymous!
-No longer anonymous
Hello Everyone:
I had so much I wanted to share with you this week, but when I finally got a chance to sit here for Testimony Thursday this week and post my comment, it was after midnight.I also wanted to make sure I'd already shared some of the things that happened previously that make this such an awesome week. I just pray that I don't sound too much like a "broken record" that goes on too long! I've already spoken about the guest pastor we had a few weeks ago who did special healing prayer for me, and that the next day I found out about the special neuromuscular therapist at the Y. One of the days I see him during the week is Thursday, which is why I worry about sounding like a "broken record" because every week, my movement improves, and I can feel a part of my foot, muscle in my leg or back etc., that I haven't been able to for 15 years, since my accident! After class yesterday, I went with for coffee with another lady who has an extreme back problem and needs two canes to help her walk. She told me that she has also felt some improvement in her movement as well, after the her back surgery three years ago! What I am trying to point out is that this man seems to be accomplishing the impossible, and that God pointed me to him! My friend Lisa used to say that there were no such things as coincidents, so I am amazed at the timing and process of this turn of events! I was anxious to share this with you all hoping to perhaps encourage any one who may be getting discouraged because any improvements, specifically physical health matters that they've prayed for may be taking longer than expected or hoped for.
I will also take this opportunity once again to thank Natasha and Andrew for providing this forum for many reasons one of which is that because somehow I almost don't believe how blessed I am until I sit down and write about it in an organized way. Somehow it becomes more believable when I do.
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