It's time to share your Sunday Sermon with us. We will be posting our church sermon a little later in the afternoon but you can post your church's sermon by clicking on the comments link below. Thanks to Dawn for last weeks sermon, it really ministered to us. Have a great Lord's Day.
Our sermon today was about being a Christian who is proactive rather than reactive. Our Pastor used the analogy of a thermometer vs. a thermostat. The apostle Peter started out as a thermometer, reacting to the spiritual climate and temperature around him. He then transformed into a thermostat Christian, establishing the temperature himself. As Christians, we need to be 'thermostats' for the Lord. How do we do this? By scheduling time in the WORD, PRAYER and FELLOWSHIP. Romans 12:1 says that we are not to be conformed to the pattern of this world but transformed by the renewing of our minds. By practicing spiritual discipline, we are able to ensure that we do not conform to the current 'temperature' of this world, but that we transform closer into the image and likeness of our Saviour Jesus Christ by staying in His presence.
As always music played an important role in our service today.I personally find it a fabulous way to express worship and joy, and I don't appear ro be the only one. Today we learned a new piece that spoke to me in a big way."Your Grace Is Enough", is a simple enough title, but the words followed the theme without complicating the idea. We also heard a duet performed by two members of the congregation called "My Saviour Leads Me All The Way", and this piece also ministered to us in a similar way. Our assistant pastor at one point felt led to sing "Amazing Grace", so we joined him. In the main service, our pastor reminded us of what are seemingly obvious laws that we sometimes forget in our hectic and busy everyday lives, and these are all principles of God's authority:
1) The law of forgiveness
-To find or receive forgiveness we must first forgive
-God cannot bless someone who won't forgive
2) The law of love
-This is the greatest gift / law of all
-charity is almost synonymous with love
He also pointed out that God's people should seek Him in a supernatural way, and that we should be a channel for Him meaning that we therefore need to have great faith.
Another law that he spoke about was the law of commitment, and pointed out that commit means to surrender or give over. Thus we should put God first in our lives, and should give Him ALL we have.
Other laws he touched on were the law of faith, of sowing and reaping, of fruitfulness, and of divine economics and finances regarding tithing etc. He reminded us as well that with every promise we're given comes a condition.
Those are the "bare bones" of what was very meaningful service.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank "anonymous" for their post, because it served to add to my blessings on this Lord's day!
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