Thursday, August 7, 2008

Prayer Request

Click on comments and post your prayer request. We will pray for you. You can also click on comments to view all prayer requests and pray for the needs posted.

Galatians 6:2

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."


Anonymous said...

Could you pray for me to get a new job. Thank You. God Bless

Anonymous said...

Could you please pray for my son's College tuition fees and also for my permanent job at the current working place?
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Could you pray that God would help me deal with stress. The feel it's harmful affects daily in my body and need a release, that only God can provide

Natasha said...

Trini, Anonymous and Amazed, please know that Andrew and I will be lifting up your prayer requests to the Lord.

blessings said...

please pray for a job resume I submitted this month. Need fianaces for upcomming wedding,ect.. Very excited Natasha and Andrew about your web site!b

Natasha said...

Blessings, we will continue to lift up your prayer request before the Lord. He IS able!

Anonymous said...

Please pray for me so that I may know how to follow God's leading.

God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sis. Tash and Bro. Andrew

I, too, need your prayers for healing, wisdom and knowledge and strength. You and Brother Andrew are doing an extraordinary ministry and I pray the Father bless you abundantly and give you the peace that surpasses all understanding and bring miraculous healing to your body. The Bible declares that we should be anxious for nothing, but in everything by pray and supplication, with thanksgiving, let our requests be made know to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7; and Phil 3:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me. I need that strength that only God Almighty can supply.

Thank you for your continued prayer in my life. God bless!


Rivermoon said...

Hi Sis. Tash and Bro. Andrew,

I need continuous prayers for my parents and my youngest sister.

As for all of them, I've been praying for their salvation for so many years and I am getting more anxious about it as my dad's health is getting more and more concerning.

I would like continuous prayers for my dad's health as his kidney functioning has degraded to the point that the specialist told him that he needs to decide if he would want to go for dialysis if he reaches that stage that dialysis is required. My dad has already told the specialist he decided not to opt for dialysis option. Recently he is getting more and more renal failure symptoms, such as Meniere's disease (i.e. hydrops for ear due to fluid imbalance in the inner ear canal) due to his salt intake in his diet and also due to his renal failure of metabolising the salt in his body. My dad is still in kind of denial of the fact that his renal failure won't be getting better but worse. Due to his current age (coming 80), I personally don't want him to go through dialysis as it is an intrusive procedure to a body and I can hardly persuade him to follow the strict no-salt diet as it is no fun for a senior to spend the rest of his days on this earth in that way.

Simply put it, I just personally feel helpless, worrying, and anxious to see if he will leave this world without salvation. On the other hand, I'm praying each day that he will leave this world without any suffering as it is very difficult for me. I'm also praying to the Lord to prepare me and the family well for this day to come.

Thanks for your kindest prayers *in tears*
Margaret :-)

Natasha said...

My Sister,

We will lift you and your family up to the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer. He IS our faithful GOD and Saviour. I believe that our prayers do move mountains. You are a blessing to your family. We will trust Jesus to move on your behalf.


Tash and Drew