Saturday, February 5, 2011

Share - It's your time to share - February

Share what God is speaking to you. Give a word of encouragement. Bless someone today. It's time to Share.

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Andrew said...

If you are feeling a little down read Nehemiah 9. We looked at it in the men's bible study I go to. When my pastor read it I was amazed by the awesomeness of God and how faithful He is.

still reading through the bible said...

Again and again, God is faithful and patient. His mercy endures forever.

Thank you Andrew. I did read Nehemiah 9 and it did encourage me.

Anonymous said...

I believe in the principle of Luke 6:38 because every time I've given to God and others, whether it was time or money, I've always received more in return, which has motivated me to give even more, but now it's a matter of obedience, rather than to receive something in return. God is Faithful and He's worthy of our trust.