Monday, August 16, 2010

Talk Tuesday-Martha's Way

I don't like an unclean living space. It really aggravates me. I could remember coming home from work, feeling exhausted after a day of meetings, decisions, project issues and high stress, thinking how much I'd love to spend time with Jesus. I remember turning the key in the door and immediately noticing the shoes that were not packed away, the dishes in the sink and the living room in disarray. Naturally, the first thing I would do is SIGH (yes, I did), take off my shoes and coat, and immediately begin cleaning. Dinner needed to be cooked and after all the chores were completed, I would plop myself in front of the television, too exhausted to do anything else except 'veg'. Too many times, my good intentions would go awry, lost in the myriad of useless programs on t.v.

What occupies your time? What do you urgently rush around doing with such an intensity that you become irritable, impatient and anxious until it gets accomplished? When all is said and done, was it REALLY worth it? How many of us have taken Martha's way?

When Jesus and his disciples came to Martha's village, she opened her home to them. She was consumed with preparing the place for her guests, while Mary simply sat at Jesus' feet. I can relate to Martha as if she were a mirror image of myself. I could literally see her rushing around, busying herself with frantic intensity as she purposefully set out to make everything perfect for her guests.

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" Luke 10:38-40

I could literally hear the gentleness in Jesus' voice as He responds to Martha's frustration:

"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:38-42

What was it that Mary chose? She chose to sit at the feet of the LORD Jesus Christ-listening attentively to what He had to say, basking in His presence and getting to know Him.

When Lazarus died, Mary was able to say to Jesus with utmost confidence that if He (Jesus) had been there, her brother would not have died (see John 11:32). It was the time that Mary spent at the feet of Jesus in which she began to know Him in His power and His might. Eventually, Mary, Martha and their friends beheld one of Jesus' greatest miracles-the raising of Lazarus from the grave.

After I got sick, I learned to stop, be still and listen by spending time with Jesus-in His Word and in prayer. I abandoned Martha's way and while I still have the tendency to slip back into old habits, I thank the LORD for His gentle reminders. Spiritual readiness is better than physical preparedness. Jesus states:

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:25-26

Do YOU believe this? What do we need to do as Christ-followers, so that we don't get caught up in Martha's way? We, at BGO, look forward to hearing from you. Please click on the comments link below to share your thoughts. Remember, as you share, you encourage others too!


Anonymous said...

Can you imagine though what Martha must have fully bloomed into after Pentecost? Like the rest of the disciples (including Thomas who though an apostle got so bitter that Jesus came when he wasn't there), Martha too must have fully bloomed shortly after these events.

A friend at work commented today how he was surprised that I wasn't in something to do with sales, or media or marketing or advertising (which is what I went to college for) but rather was in a nerdy, very hard core techno mumbo jumbo job? I told him that I totally agreed with him but that God is sooo wise. God knew I needed to develop my logical, rational, practical administrative side. Now AFTER ABOUT 10 YEARS OF THIS, I may be ready -- but like Martha, perhaps I too will fully bloom now.

PS: One thing that really, really, touches me about Martha? This 'practical, worry-wart, busy body' was the one who ran to Jesus and engaged him in hard dialogue (i.e.. why did u let this happen???) while Mary was too hurt and disillusioned to even come out to meet Jesus. Then get this: Have u ever noticed that Martha came back and with that 'Martha industriousness, acting like a 'peacemaker' (blessed are the peacemakers) calls Mary to come to Jesus! She even said that the Teacher (the teacher at whose feet she use to sit at) was asking for her !!!!!! (John 11:28-29) The point is IT DOESN'T SAY THAT JESUS WAS ASKING FOR HER???? It doesn't say that. But this practical one used her innovative, tireless, practicality to encourage and stir up faith in others for God! I love it.

Dawn said...

I can't believe how well God can make His point in such an unimaginably creative way! I've been wishing I didn't have to spend as much time as I do tidying and cleaning around here, in fact just before I came here to check out the site, I was feeling bitter about having to clean up around the kitchen area! First I checked my e-mail, and didn't have what I was hoping that I might find, I then decided to check out B.G.O. I'd already done my devotionals. When I read this post, I was amazed that it served to confirm what I'd thought to cslm me down, snd the bitterness I'd felt disappeared! This all resulted not from a particular Bible passage that I'd read as might be expected, but from a post on B.G.O! Thanks B.G.O. for passing on God's wisdom in an unusual and totally unexpected way!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that penetrating post! It has truly ministered to me.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm,Yes I believe John11:25-26. This little story sends a strong message in todays society. Noticed that Jesus (The Guest)never told Martha that what she was doing was wrong He's simply said Martha stop the worrying and don't be upset...In other words remember I am your guest so come and listen like Mary to the good news I bring. Here at my feet you will find Peace and Joy because it is the most high place.
Martha's way will always be there, so therefore we will have to invest more time in the WORD and share the good news with our friends,family and our guests.
This is what He need from us..Reach out and touch someone with a Prayer.
God be with you Always.