When I became a Christian, everything I learned in life was turned upside down. In university I was taught that you must have momentum in order to succeed with your goals. In God’s kingdom, you have to do the opposite. You have to wait. Moses had to wait before God told him to set His people free. Joseph had to wait before his dreams from God were fulfilled. Job had to persevere before he could see God’s plan revealed. What is God having you wait on? Is God making you wait for Him to reveal the plan for your life? Are you waiting for a spouse? Are you waiting for finances? Are you asking yourself why do I have to wait?
Waiting is no fun. When you wait you feel helpless. You feel that you are not doing anything.
James 5:7-11
Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!
Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
We must be patient and persevere. God isn’t taking His time. He is always on time.
Hebrews 12:1-3
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Hebrews 12:7
Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?
Hebrews 12:10-11
Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
So what is God trying to teach us in our waiting? What is He training us for?
1 Peter 1:6-9
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
Our faith in Him is being strengthened. Our hope is being revealed. Jesus has the best plan for your life so trust that He will answer your prayers. Share with us your experience of waiting on the Lord.
totally what I needed to read. Although it's not always easy to accept nor does waiting always taste good. Thanks for the words of wisdom
I heard someone comment recently on how when they stopped asking God for a particular desire of their heart, the answer to their prayer would just show up when least expected, while that request was tucked back in some corner recess of their heart.
When I thought about it, I realized this has happened with me on at least one occasion in the past few days.
It's so interesting, but I've actually caught a glimpse of what it means when we say that God's timing is perfect. Whether it's connections with people we need to know, a job promotion (or even a needed job), a relationship (with a hopeful special someone), or even that cool pair of kicks we've had in our minds for some time.
I'm learning (ever so slowly, might I add - but learning nonetheless) how to enjoy that "in between" time.
Still waiting for the work front to come through, for financial ends to be met, and perhaps some clarification in other matters, but I have seen enough to know that my God is in all the details of it while I wait.
In the meantime, I'll be walking with Him & enjoying those new shoes...
Great stuff guys. I'm reminded to enjoy the here and now with God today and not miss out on the 'God things'God has for me now. The scripture Andrew quoted in Hebrews 12 for me is a key also as far as why God waits and defers my desires: "but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness." God is more concerned first and foremoest with my being conformed more to Christ than seeing me get my hearts desire right away. The technical word is 'sanctification'. God is about preparing me for living in his family. It's interesting. I finished reading in Ephesians 6 this morning. I was blown away by Paul's prayer request. Instead of praying that everyone reading his letter would pray for his speedy deliverance from jail, he doesn't even mention this fact. His own personal prayer request is that he will be faithful to share Christ where God has him -- not to get out of his 'situation'? That's amazing. Talk about 'seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you'.
Thanks for this post and for everyone's comments. I am also learning how to wait ... and in some ways I can see answers coming to pass slowly but surely ... in others nothing seems to be changing ... but as I medidate on the fact that God is love, that God is faithful, that God is perfectly just, that God is true and cannot lie or do ANY wrong, that God is unquestionably wise, and knows everything at all times about every situation and every person, and throughout all of human history, including all there is to know in detail about even ME, I feel a peace coming to my spirit. I am waiting on a God who can be totally and completely trusted to do what is right by me.
As one of my new favourite authors, from the 1800s, wrote, we have to learn to lie down in the sweet will of God, because this is the only place where we should want to be. Wherever He is, all is well, and whatever is happening, He is in perfect, loving, sovereign control. Whatever He desires or allows into our lives is for a perfect, wonderful, wise and loving purpose.
For those harsh things that may happen to us that seem impossible to look at as "sweet," we can meditate on the FACT that Jesus bore not just our sins, but ALL our sorrows ... ALL our burdens ... He experienced and experiences all that we experience, and is compassionate towards us. Praise God ... HE is worthy.
Amen! Waiting is not easy because it is impossible for the flesh to do. We can only wait if we walk in the Spirit and see the unseen. How timely. We must remind ourselves every day of the truth of the Word.
Waiting is not easy, and walking in the Spirit is not easy for me either. Most of this is relatively new to me. I still respond emotionally to situations no matter how much I pray that I don't. I rarely post and I rarely like to ask any prayers for myself. Mostly I have to overcome the lie that I am not deserving of anything good. This time, I beg for prayers for myself and for my daughter. Prayers that she will be protected through any difficulty that she may face. She will have a part time father and I will lose a husband because his family had an agenda to break our relationship because I am not a Jehovah's witness. Certainly, my emotional responses do not help. I read a lot lately on their indoctrination tactics and it would seem that they have no problem breaking up a family to ensure that they have their way. I prayed for my husbands salvation and wisdom but my faith is not great enough to believe this by myself. I beg for prayers and support because I am not strong enough to deal with the ultimate rejection that I am going through that I am going through right now. I believe God has a good plan for my life but waiting is hard for me. As I talk about managing my emotions, I am restraining myself now from getting a lawyer and filing a lawsuit against their kingdom hall and it's teachings. Please pray for me, for us.
I promise to pray for you and your daughter as you go through this. God is faithful. He promised to fight our battles for us. I was reading this in my devotions this morning and I now I guess this is for you, as well.
1 Chronicles 5 verse 10 & verses 18-22:
The Israelites went up to make war against the Hagrites, Jetur, Naphish and Nodab. Here is what the scripture says, that really touched my heart and hopefully will minister to yours too. I put my insertions in the brackets.
vs.20 "And they [Israelites] were helped against them [the enemy], and they were delivered into their hand, and all who were with them, for they cried out to God in the battle. He heeded their prayer, because they put their trust in Him."
Somethings in life we wait for and others things we don't have the patience to wait. With God is quite different. He has the right answer and steer us in the right directions where there's a fountain pouring living water and favor from His hands. He created us and has full control at all times. So It's the best to wait on Him...I WAITED AND HE BLESSED MY LIFE. Keep well..Please wait and Stay in Love with God...
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