Talk Tuesday - What is your New Year's Resolution?
Hey lets have some fun for the new year. Share with your BGO friends your new year's resolution. It's fun to share your goals and aspirations. Happy commenting...
funny you should ask....I think this was the first year I DIDN'T have a New Year's Resolution...
But in thinking about it now, I think I'd like to be more forgiving. I can really hold on to a grudge. And it can be anything. It's like a stone I hold in my pocket and hold in my hand and turn over and over. I find myself in surrender to God, but then find myself brooding again. Is this my nature? I think it just might be. But I also know that God wants us to forgive, just as HE forgave us our sins. In my heart I know this is true, and that anything - even my own 'natural' tendencies can be overcome with the love of Christ.
May the BGO community be blessed beyond all measure this year.
Anonymous, I KNOW what you mean! Forgiveness is a very big word. Our sins are removed from us as far as the East is from the West (Psalm 103:12) yet when someone hurts me, as they inevitably do, I 'forgive' them but remember what they have done. My nature is to keep my distance but I am learning that is NOT the heart of Christ. Wish I could take a forgiveness pill. Sometimes I think it's more about me learning to be more like Him than anything else. Those lessons are the hardest because who can you hide from? Yourself? The Holy Spirit? Not likely...sigh. During this Christmas season someone hurt me so deeply. Ironically it was someone who held onto what seemed like a minor thing and allowed it to snowball into something it truly was not-a large boulder. When that boulder hit me, I didn't see it coming! Needless to say, I apologized immediately but was so devastated by the anger that person projected onto me that I felt I would forgive them but keep my distance from them.
Ha, then I was reminded of Matthew 6:12: Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors., this, too is my struggle.
Thank you Anonymous for sharing. I, too, would like to be more forgiving-more Christlike.
I want to be a better steward of my body. Everything that goes along with that including weight loss, eating better and getting the regular exercise that I need. We only have one body here and I know I have not been treating it well so I hope to change that with the Lord's help...and I mean really with the Lord's help.
I would also like to travel somewhere 'special' :) (Anywhere out side of Canada...???)
funny you should ask....I think this was the first year I DIDN'T have a New Year's Resolution...
But in thinking about it now, I think I'd like to be more forgiving. I can really hold on to a grudge. And it can be anything. It's like a stone I hold in my pocket and hold in my hand and turn over and over. I find myself in surrender to God, but then find myself brooding again. Is this my nature? I think it just might be. But I also know that God wants us to forgive, just as HE forgave us our sins. In my heart I know this is true, and that anything - even my own 'natural' tendencies can be overcome with the love of Christ.
May the BGO community be blessed beyond all measure this year.
Anonymous, I KNOW what you mean! Forgiveness is a very big word. Our sins are removed from us as far as the East is from the West (Psalm 103:12) yet when someone hurts me, as they inevitably do, I 'forgive' them but remember what they have done. My nature is to keep my distance but I am learning that is NOT the heart of Christ. Wish I could take a forgiveness pill. Sometimes I think it's more about me learning to be more like Him than anything else. Those lessons are the hardest because who can you hide from? Yourself? The Holy Spirit? Not likely...sigh. During this Christmas season someone hurt me so deeply. Ironically it was someone who held onto what seemed like a minor thing and allowed it to snowball into something it truly was not-a large boulder. When that boulder hit me, I didn't see it coming! Needless to say, I apologized immediately but was so devastated by the anger that person projected onto me that I felt I would forgive them but keep my distance from them.
Ha, then I was reminded of Matthew 6:12: Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors., this, too is my struggle.
Thank you Anonymous for sharing. I, too, would like to be more forgiving-more Christlike.
I want to be a better steward of my body. Everything that goes along with that including weight loss, eating better and getting the regular exercise that I need. We only have one body here and I know I have not been treating it well so I hope to change that with the Lord's help...and I mean really with the Lord's help.
I would also like to travel somewhere 'special' :) (Anywhere out side of Canada...???)
1. I want to exercise more for the new year.
2. Spend more time with Jesus. Sometimes I get to busy to do my devotions.
3. Eat better.
4. Make more time for my family and friends.
I had a few ... they seem like a lot but they are reasonable! Maybe that is not such a good thing ... I should be more daring??
1. Spend more time every day with God and in the Word.
2. Go to bed on time, like before 10 p.m.
3. Get to work on time, like five minutes before start time.
4. Excercise a bit more and pass up junk more often.
5. Pass my highway test this year so I have a G1.
6. Save more this year than I did last year.
7. Learn to cook at least four new kinds of dishes.
8. Read more so I can grow in my job.
9. Help someone in need at least every month.
10. Grow as a singer ... spend more time practising/working on vocals.
And two more I'd rather not post :)
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