Please feel free to share your prayer requests and post your testimonies on the Prayer Wall. By posting your prayer requests you give us and the BGO family the opportunity to partner with you in prayer. When we share our testimonies we give God all the glory through Christ Jesus, and we encourage one another. Be blessed!
James 5:13 "Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray."
James 5:16 "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."
Hi, can you please pray for me? I have been struggling with my prayer/devotion time lately. I really want to get closer to Jesus this 2010. Sometimes I feel like something is hindering me. Thank you so much!
Pray that I can finish reading the whole Bible. I can't finish the Old Testament. I always get stuck on Isaiah. So I have from Isaiah to Malachi to finish by the end of the year. Thanks.
Can we pray for my girlfriend at work? She just told me that they've found a tumour behind her neck on her spine. She's got no feeling on the left side of her face and neck and both hands. The doctors don't want to operate because of the risk of paralysis. She is a believer and her church is praying for her also. I know that God is faithful, and that there is power in the prayer of many. Thank you BGO!!! I will continue to keep you all in my prayers :)
Hello Everyone, thank you for leaving your prayer requests. Please join us in lifting up all prayer needs posted here.
-Petel (previous request for healing)
-Judy (previous request for healing)
-Tami (previous request for healing)
-Jennifer Marie, healing from a brain tumor. She has a newborn
-N.F, had a cancerous tumor removed and is now being retested as a growth was discovered.
-K, who is having a procedure in the OR soon
Thank you for partnering with us.
@Trusting in the Lord: We will definitely pray for your girlfriend at work (as we will for all the other requests). I can appreciate the seriousness of your friend's dilemma. The tumour is located in a very delicate spot. Any trauma to the C-vertebrae could indeed result in permanent paralysis. I would encourage everyone to pray for TUMOUR SHRINKAGE IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. I, too, had been diagnosed with spinal tumours. The Lord has been gracious to me in having surgery to remove the main offender. I am on the road to recovery and pray for MIRACULOUS HEALING for your friend.
Yes, I will remember to pray for the intentions listed.
Can we also pray for the people of Haiti? Specifically, relief during the current calamity and for the conversion of souls.
(Anonymous 1 - set a time, set a place, and you will be surprised to know that God will make it possible for you meet with Him in prayer. Obstacles will always arise, but God will fulfill this desire of your heart.)
Yes we will lift up these prayer requests. Let's also remember the people of Haiti and survivors that are waiting to be found under the rubble. And for those alive looking for food, and comfort ... and HOPE.
Tash your need will be remembered also.
I have been faced with some hard times. I feel my faith is being tested. Please help me by praying for me to grow in knowledge and closeness with God.
Anonymous facing hard times, I will remember you in prayer. Trust, trust, trust, and do not be moved no matter what things look like. God cannot lie or be unfaithful...ever.
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