Monday, November 16, 2009

Movie Monday - A Letter to Satan


Anonymous said...

Wow. That was so amzinging powerful. I recognized my own relationship w/ the enemy and it brought tears to my eyes. I have to hear this again. And I know others need to listen. What really got me was claiming to love, but having hate and bitterness in my heart, all the while singing a praise song. Ouch. Conviction.

Lord, forgive me.

Natasha & Andrew, thank you for posting this. God bless you and your ministry.

Anonymous said...

This was so powerful! It spoke volumes to my heart. May God be praised as He raises up warriors in the Kingdom of God! Please, everyone, forward (email) this to as many people as possible. God bless!

Beloved said...

Yes, this was powerful. Another thing that struck me was, "You would tell me that "Holiness is a lonnnnggg process. But the fact is, you didn't want me to change."
Wow! Thanks for this reminder that it is not by anything we can do, but by the blood of Jesus and His Spirit in us.