Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Talk Tuesday-Forgiveness, What's Love Got To Do With It?

When others wound us it often feels unforgivable. It depends on who is doing the wounding and how deep the cut goes. Wounds from those closest to us hurt deeply yet even superficial paper cuts tend to produce a sharp, constant burn. There is one certainty about pain; how we handle it determines the impact is has on us spiritually, emotionally and physically. 

Jesus teaches us that if we want to be forgiven then we must first forgive:

"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:14-15

It is hard to love our enemies and bless those who curse us , yet the Bible instructs us to do so (Matthew 5:44, Romans 12:14). How can we do something that seems so opposite to our nature? When we are hurt our instinct is to protect and defend. We are often enticed to exact revenge. Revenge itself deceitfully masquerades as a healing balm, while it sinks our souls into the pit of despair and loneliness.  

Listen to the Son's heart. 

"Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.' " 
Luke 23:34  He said this as He hung on a cross to die for us-so that we could be forgiven. 

Love is the key to unlocking the prison doors of unforgiveness. 

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8

Jesus' death on the cross meant that our sins could be forgiven for the asking. Love motivated both the Father and the Son. 

"For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

God offered up His Son out of love and Jesus laid down His life out of love. Forgiveness is the fruit of love. 

Have you ever been so hurt that you thought it impossible to forgive? Has the pain of unforgiveness caused you anguish and hurt? Have you struggled with forgiveness? How has the love of the Father and the Son changed your outlook on forgiveness? Can we harbour unforgiveness in our hearts yet expect to be forgiven? What does forgiveness look like to you?

We at BGO are blessed by your faithfulness in sharing your testimony, words of encouragement and thoughts with us. Please click on the comments link below to respond. 


Janelle said...

There was a point in my life when I held onto unforgiveness. I thought if I kept all the wrongs people had done to me in my heart, then I would be able to protect myself from getting hurt again. This made me a very angry, bitter, malicious, and slanderous person. When God saved me... the first thing He had me do is forgive trespasses against me, so that I could be forgiven of mine.
WOW!!! When I started to let the Lord clean my heart... everything changed! Praise God, for he does not remember our iniquities forever, and will remember our sins no more when we call on the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse us.

Now, when someone hurts me, I pray that I do not hold anything in my heart and forgive them. Sometimes it is more difficult, but the Lord really guides His children.

Praise the Lord, for "His mercy endures forever"!

Cynthia said...

Several years ago I was so badly hurt by a relative who I loved that I thought the pain would never go away. For a long time I seethed with anger, resentment and frustration every time I saw her. The lies were so malicious it actually hurt me to talk about it to anyone. Even though I was a born again Christian, I wasn’t even sure how to handle forgiveness. However, I was encouraged by a family member that in order to receive God’s forgiveness, I must first be willing to ask forgiveness for myself. Although she claimed she is a born again Christian, she did not even acknowledge forgiveness for the pain she had caused me. As a matter of fact, she acted as though I was the one who had wronged her. That seems like a life time ago. Since then, I have learned to put all things at the foot of the cross, and that has brought me much comfort. That pain had taught me a hard lesson and brought me to BIBLE COLLEGE. Today, I can counsel others who sit in darkness with an unforgiving heart.

This is how My Heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart (Matt. 18) We need to always remember that the same God who instantaneously cleansed us of all of our sin in salvation can just as instantaneously cleanse us from the sin of an unforgiving heart. The Great Physician’s prescription for an unforgiving heart is to forgive. To forgive is to pardon someone for an act of offense. As the parable implies, forgiveness comes by releasing others of the debt incurred when they have offended or hurt us. Forgiveness can be offered face to face or through a letter mailed or never mailed. He has even forgiven us for things we may never recognize need to be forgiven. We may not feel like forgiving at the time, but we are not to act on our feelings. To forgive is a choice we make. We will to forgive because we choose to forgive.


Anonymous said...

When I gave my life to Jesus I went through a Job experience. The trial was so hard all I could do is hold on to God. I did not want to pray or read my bible. I was so hurt and I wanted to blame God for what happened to me. Slowly I came back to the Lord. It was even hard to hear other Chritians say,"God is good." God did change my heart and now I am working on my relationship with God.

If you are going through a tough time trust God for He is really good. He can heal your heart from a the pain.

Roula said...

Thanks for sharing this Tasha. Forgivenss brings healing. We delay this healing so many times because we think we know what is right for us. That most of the time is getting even or waiting for God to punish that person. We open heaven's doors of blessings when we are able to leave our hurtings in God's hand and wait for Him to comfort us