When the church is the church it is an amazing thing.
I have seen first hand the goodness of God's people. I am blessed to be in a church where the people really care for you. When Tash was in the hospital the pastors would come and pray for her. One pastor came every week. We had many Christian brothers and sisters praying for us. There was one day Tash was not doing very well and some of our church family began to lead us in worship right in the hospital room. Our spirits were really down but they pressed in and pressed in. Finally God broke the despair and Tash was filled with joy and hope again. One of the old church songs says,"...they will know that we are Christians by our love...by our love." Yes, it is good to see the church function like it should.
How have you experienced the church being the church? Was it a good experience or was it bad? What can we do as Christians to be more like Jesus? We would love to hear from you. Please click on the comments link below to add your thoughts.
When I was first saved, I didn't have a lot of women friends who were Christian. All mine were not. I was involved at that pt w/ a young adults grp but there were mostly men - and no offense to my Christian brothers - but it's just not the same ;) So I was naturally excited to be invited to join a women's group. Sadly, my friend's group did not agree and the invite was recinded. Honestly? I was crushed. I couldn't believe women of God had cliques; that I could be rejected by fellow believers who were supposesd to be inclusive.
This experience of 'church' was negative, and as a new believer, could have turned me away from following the Lord.
But thankfully, I had another friend who gave good counsel and helped me see this for what it was. We are still human; still fallen; and only God does not disappoint.
What does scripture say? That His perfectness is shown in our weakness?
Hey Anonymous #1, I know how it can be when the church disappoints. It can be devastating. It's like we expect the church to behave in ways different from the world and then when we see vestiges of worldliness in the church. It can leave us feeling disillusioned. I really like the scripture you pointed to (2 Corinthians 12:9) about our weakness and HIS perfect strength. This is an important point as all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God -naturally, I can't remember that scripture location off the top of my hat! God's mercy and HIS grace are what sustains us. I love that you remind us that only God does not disappoint. This really gives perspective on how we can love each other within the church-seasoned with grace and love.
What a wonderful and encouraging testimony of the love of Christian brethren! That is the epitomy of how the love of Jesus 'ought' to be experienced within the Christian churches.
Unfortunately, for many, the experience has not always been the same during the times when a shoulder or the support of the brethren was desperately needed. Some of the worst hurts endured by Christians have come from within the church. These hurtful experiences are difficult to digest especially when it comes from quarters where we expect to receive the 'Christian love.' Hence, many have migrated to other churches, others continue to fellowship among the brethren but have not placed their grouses at the alter of Christ before going into worship, yet others have moved completely away from the church.
That is precisely why Paul reminds the brethren to keep their eyes focused on Jesus, not on man.
(1Cor:1) When we keep our eyes on Christ, the pain we receive from the brothers and sisters become strangely dim in the light of the reality that because our eyes are focused on Jesus, He takes away all our hurts and we are able to give love even where we reap pain.
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