"Though you have not seen him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls." 1 Peter 1:8-9
I remember when I first became a committed Christian, I said a simple prayer of submission and acknowledgement. I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart, surrendered the reigns of control to Him, acknowledging the power of His death and resurrection over my life. It was a glorious, glorious time! I said the simplest prayer, at the side of my bed, all alone in the darkness of my bedroom in June 1996. The next day, I woke up to a fountain of living water welling up inside of me, bubbling over. I finally had a peace and purpose that extended far beyond my selfish limitations. That Jesus would die for a sinner like me, and grant me such awesome joy, was truly overwhelming! Everywhere I went, I desired to share this free gift with others. I was 24 yrs. old when this all took place.
As the years rolled by, life began to crowd my fervour. I never lost it, but at times it ebbed and peaked. Five years later, I was engaged to be married to a godly and wonderful man. I was happily going about my preparations when the Word of the Lord jumped out from the pages of the Bible, stirring my heart in places I didn't know needed reawakening.
"...you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen: repent and do the first works..." Revelations 2:4What was your experience like when you first came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour? Have you ever received the wake up call before? Have you ever become so engrossed in your own plans that you began to neglect your first love? Apathy is subtle and unsettling. As I was admonished by the Holy Spirit, I began to think of the things I did at first. Do you remember what the passion of your first love looked like? Does it look the same today? 2011 is a year I would like to see the Flame of My First Love be fanned into a blazing into a light for His glory. Share your thoughts and experiences with us, by clicking on the comments link below.